ERA is an Excellence in Research for Australia initiative. It was developed by the Australian Research Council (ARC) in conjunction with the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research which aims to identify and promote excellence across the full spectrum of research activity, including discovery, experimental and applied research within Australian higher education institutions.

ERA began publishing their journal lists for the first time in 2010, followed in 2012, 2015 and most recently 2018. Scopus became the provider of citation data for the three earliest ERA lists. For ERA 2018, Web of Science (WoS), produced by Clarivate Analytics, was the citation provider. The next list of ERA journals will likely be available in 2023.
Apart from Scopus and WoS, ERA was also included in the publication criteria assessed in MALAYSIA RESEARCH ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT II (MyRA® II). MyRA is a comprehensive system developed to evaluate the research capabilities and performance of an Institution of Higher Learning (IPT) in Malaysia.
School of Graduate Studies (SGS), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) only listed SCOPUS and JCR as Citation Indexed Journal (CIJ) for the requirement of Publication in Journal for PhD and Master with Thesis.
However, in November 2020, SGS has updated the requirement by adding ERA as part of CIJ. In addition to this, Research and Information Services Division together with Information Systems and Technology Division of Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad (PSAS) took the initiative by creating a platform that listed all journals by ERA from 2012 to 2018 . The platform was fully completed on 6th February 2021 and can be accessed via the URL
Previously there was no specific database or platform that provide the entire list of ERA journals. The main purpose of the development of this platform is to help students, lecturers, researchers and the entire
community from inside and outside UPM to obtain relevant list to help them choose quality and high impact journals to be published, especially in the field of Social Sciences.
This platform will be improved from time to time. It is hoped that this platform will be able to help UPM students, lecturers and researchers to improve their learning, teaching and research activities with high quality and impact. For step by step on how to access ERA from PSAS platform, please click on this guide.